Does it really make black peoples hair grow? I am black and I need my hair to grow longer!!! Does it really work? Which ones should I use to make my whole hair grow longer?
Does Dr.Miracle really make your hair grow?
i hope it does. i've only used the perms twice so far. it was very gentle and the perm came out great! but im not sure about all the other products
Does Dr.Miracle really make your hair grow?
umm not really i had that and i dindnt like it i found someting better that really works and it's been out for over 20 years and it's all antural and it works i tell so many people about this oil it's not even funny really i use it myself that the kick so you talking to someone who know's all about it,it can be bought online and or at some sally's beauty store for $7.99 that were i get mine from and i love it and people sak e are there any side effects no noe what so ever the only thing is that it smells alittle but you'd get use to that and im on the site my self im PB and i just love it and dude it works
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