Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Does it make your hair grow faster?

Is it true that pletting ur hair makes it grow faster?

Does it make your hair grow faster?

It not good to keep your hair up for a long period of time and weakens the hair. Head massages help stimulate hair growth also try taking Kelp tablets can get them from most chemists good for hair and nails

Does it make your hair grow faster?

dont color it.

and some people tell me du grow, dont no how much you love your hair thought

Does it make your hair grow faster?

thats a lie

Does it make your hair grow faster?


Does it make your hair grow faster?

Do you mean 'plaiting' (braiding)? If so, then, no, I wouldn't think so. Braiding too tightly might make your hair thin on top though.

Does it make your hair grow faster?

rubbish whom told you that

Does it make your hair grow faster?

No, it actually damages the hair in time.

Does it make your hair grow faster?

I don't kno about pletting it but---Use horse shampoo. It's been proven to make ur hair frow 2X has fast.

Does it make your hair grow faster?

Nope over time it will make you hair thin on top as it pulls on the hair

a good head massage will stimulate hair growth and may make hair grow faster

Does it make your hair grow faster?

A bit faster. But it gives your hair a break

Does it make your hair grow faster?

no it weakens it

Does it make your hair grow faster?

No that is rubbish

Does it make your hair grow faster?

no to much plaiting will make you bald eventually especially really tight corn rows etc

Does it make your hair grow faster?

im not exactly sure what pletting is but i think its like really tight braids i dont know if that makes your grow faster but if you want long hair you should try this product called hair formula 37 its kinda expensive but its worth it if you get the vitamins and the shampoo!!!

Does it make your hair grow faster?

No, braiding will break your heart at the root, tried and tested, do you want bald patches?

Does it make your hair grow faster?

human hair grows at an average of half an inch a month if you plait it a lot it may stretch it but it will not grow faster it will just give the illusion that it has and overplaiting may cause damage and breakage so let it grow naturally hope this helps x x x

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