Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

alrite .. so mi hair is like a lil bit above mi shoulders but i want it atleast waist length by tha end of tha summer .. is there any shampoos or at home products i can use to make mi hair grow back real fast ? .. plz help a lette out ya'll. much luv.

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

Stimulate Your Scalp. Also Keep Your Hair well moisturized and conditioned to prevent the ends from spliting.

Try to avoid chemicals, blow dryers, and curling irons.

Go all natural.

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

Hi! Hair grows about one half inch a month and the rate of growth is hereditary---not much you can do to hasten it. There is a way to make sure it has a good chance of growing healthy so that it doesn't break off or split. First, go to a salon and get a good shampoo and conditioner. The ones from the stores are filled with wax and makes the hair strand break off and the follicles fill with wax. Next, don't wash your hair every day. Keep it covered in the sun. Don't wear rubber bands or pull the hair back tightly cuz this will cause breakage. Brush gently and massage the scalp every night for about 3 minutes. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and have a healthy diet because your hair will fall out easier if you don't. You should loose 100 hairs a day. That's normal. If the length really bothers you get some extentions. Ken Paves and Jennifer Simpson have some great ones and they are really hot in Hollywood now. Look up Ken Paves on line. Good luck!

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

Rosemary essential oil as an ingredient in shampoo and other hair care products is very good for growing hair.

A healthy body and good nutrition are good ways to grow good hair fast. Take an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement daily. Eat well, don't smoke, cut back on caffeine if you can. Drink lots of filtered water.

Give your hair lots of love, protect it from the sun, and here is an old folk lore bit: when you trim the ends of your hair, trim them on the dark of the moon, as the moon will be beginning to grow full. Along with other growing things, your hair will grow back faster during this phase.

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

Oil ur hair regularly with warm oil - coconut/ almond/ olive oil works fine. after you have oiled ur hair cover your hair with a hot towel like a turban. this will help your scalp to absorb the oil well.

also eat lots of sprouts. the protein in them will help.

don't shampoo everyday and condition your hair. try to dry the hair with the towel. no perming, hot irons, blow drying - they will make the hair brittle.

How do i make mi hair grow back faster ?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth nicely:

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