Sunday, November 29, 2009

Multiple hairs grow out of a single hair follicle? It is body hair.?

If multiple hairs grow out of a single hair follicle , what this can be called? It is body hair, by the way. Is there anything I can do about it?

Multiple hairs grow out of a single hair follicle? It is body hair.?

I don't know what it is called, and I don't believe there is anything you can do about it other then pluck it, shave it, or have it waxed off.

Multiple hairs grow out of a single hair follicle? It is body hair.?

There's nothing you can do about that. Don't let the way your hair grows bother you so much. Unless you are talking about ingrown hairs, which isn't more than one hair in a follicle. It's when the hair grows back down into the follicle and the follicle gets infected. Although sometimes it looks like two hairs. These you just pluck out.

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