Thursday, November 26, 2009

Does finishing touch hair remover make hair grow back in harder?

does finishing touch hair remover make upper lip hair grow in harder when it grows back in?

Does finishing touch hair remover make hair grow back in harder?

It will irritate your skin and leave it red and sore for days and you wont want to leave the house at all. (I did it when I was younger) maybe I left it on too long. It will eventually come back , it could get thicker and darker over time if you continue to use the stuff. I think it looks and feels weird too. you need some kind of peach fuzz there. I prefer to pluck every tiny hair in natural light, stays away longer and comes back thinner and no irritation, just a little pain but it gets easier every time you do it. I think this is your best bet, and it don't cost much but a good pair of slant tip tweezers you can get at the dollar store. Only takes about 15 minutes to do, maybe once a month. You will get used to it. Good Luck !!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks bài viết của admin
    Chia sẻ thêm: "Thuốc mọc tóc" hiệu quả mà an toàn nhất mà tôi từng dùng. Tuyệt!


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