Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

I used to have long, thicker hair and now it seems to have grown to one length and stopped while thinning out a bit. Does anyone know of any good supplements or products to use to help me?

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

Hair is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. Home made beauty recipes based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve hair growth. The luster in your hair will depend on what you eat and also on how you treat it. To Know more about your hair will help you

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

mane n tail shampoo.

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

Well my grandma told me to put mustard oil on my hair for at least a day then after wash it really good. Or as ur hair grows cut the split ends, they break ur hair also. Important, stay on one brand of shampoo. B/C if u keep changing it the hair breaks.

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

You could use Burts Bees Hair Care products (contains hair thickener), Beauty for Ashes Hair products or Aubrey Organics. All of these products contain hair growth or thickener ingredients. Hope it helps...

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

Use this... Dr. Miracle's Hair Products. Do a search for them. There's shampoos, conditioners, scalp oils, you name it. I'm telling you, when I cut my hair, I went to those products and my hair grew fuller and thicker then ever before. TRY IT.

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

My hair stylist says that if you keep up on your 6 week trimmings and have your hair one length (instead of layers and such) that it'll help with the process of growing your hair out. I'm also trying to grow mine back out from butchering it off, lol.

Ladies, how to grow hair long and thicker?

try garnier fructis dry damaged hair formula.

my hair wouldnt grow and kept breaking.

now my hair looks like it did when i was in high school. you can actually feel it repair your hair!!

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